Family offices, perhaps driven by the need to support an expanding shareholder base, are turning more to entrepreneurship. This theme emerged at the recent
IFB 7th Annual Family Office Forum Roundtable chaired by Family Office expert Daniel Goldstein.
While entrepreneurial activities are inherently risky a ‘stay rich’ approach will not usually generate big enough returns to create significant new pools of family wealth.
Family offices face other pitfalls, such as a lack of new ideas or over investing, sometimes leading to stagnation or decline.
There is also the risk that family members become over dependent on dividends and are lulled into complacency and a false sense of financial security. Balancing a traditional financial investing strategy with an entrepreneurial approach can therefore play a central role in giving the family office a new lease of life.
A good starting point is setting out the family’s values - particularly making explicit the family’s appetite for risk taking. Keynote speaker and family adviser
Francois de Visscher (pictured left) encouraged families to reach beyond ‘outer wealth’ such as assets and find ‘inner wealth’ embodied in the family’s values and legacy.
When successful families put family office entrepreneurship into practice they encourage those next generation family members, who have the passion, knowledge and drive, by lending them moral support and resources.
Once embarked on its entrepreneurial strategy the family office must stay focused: one boss, one team, one board for every project or investment is the answer according to one successful family. Failure should be expected, but as long as lessons are learnt it is not the end.
By each family office discovering its own entrepreneurial strategy not only can wealth be created, but family values will be sustained potentially paying rich rewards over the long-run.