Friday, 9 September 2011

UK family businesses as world class exemplars At the PwC Private Business Awards many of the Britain’s 'hidden champions' were on parade and family firms gave a powerful show of strength by clinching the main award. The awards demonstrated that the UK’s private business sector is not short of world-class exemplars. The firms competing are committed to growing and want to raise their brand profile to attract better talent to help win the race.

UK home appliances brand Dyson was lauded as the Private Business of the Year. The company, which is transitioning into the second generation, has become a market leader by focusing on design and innovation. Dyson recognise they play an important role in the rural Wiltshire community where they are based, and their values have helped keep employee turnover relatively low.

The Family Business Award, presented by the IFB was won by Samworth Brothers which has values that revolve around a constant respect for people, quality and profit. Supported by a commitment to training they have created a performance culture that has driven their success.

And recognising the importance of exemplary leadership Paul Drechsler, Chairman and CEO of another family firm, Wates, was awarded CEO of the Year. Paul is passionate not only about the business, but also the family, people and communities that the business supports and depends on.

Other exemplars awarded include Monsoon, the International Business of the Year, where Peter Simon has led his family business back into private ownership, regaining full control over their destiny. Performance has been outstanding since the company regained independence. Their Accessorize brand has been powering international sales which have grown strongly across 68 countries where they trade.

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