Most successful family business owners say time and time again how the freedom to decide is one of the key attributes in achieving success. They can use their independence to make decisions to invest and innovate, where the returns may not be visible in the next quarter.
Of course, shareholder loyalty should never be unquestioning; the best stewards stand back and take a dispassionate view of their organisations. With a board supported by a small group of challenging non-executive directors the right questions can be asked.
The best of family firms are working day in day out to ensure that their owners are well educated for the long journey ahead, with the knowledge and questioning skills that are required to be good stewards of their organisations. To succeed, where others such as the Cadbury and Timberland gave up the fight, is highly demanding. The reward can be great when measured in pride in seeing the name above the door of a successful business where the owners retain their independence and freedom to lead.