In the latest episode of BBC2’s 'Can't Take It with You' the seasoned business guru Sir Gerry Robinson and Withers partner, Sue Medder, encounter two family businesses and the problems that can arise for the senior generation when considering succession.

The two cases in the TV programme highlighted the most frequent problem facing family firms, and particularly those with ageing owners: a void in succession planning. Surveys of owners demonstrate time and time again that they put their heads into the sand sidestepping sometimes painful conversations with key stakeholders - particularly with their own children.
Communication is the key to unlocking the way forward, including a mix of one-to-one discussions and bringing all the parties together around one table. The programme also usefully demonstrated how external intervention by a moderator can play a vital role in bringing objectivity to an emotional situation and addressing tough questions that may have been swept under the carpet.
Drawing up a will plays an important part in such a process as it sets out how ownership and management of the family business will be dealt with when the seniors have passed away. Such a document becomes much easier once there has been open dialogue and engagement with the key stakeholders to try to understand everyone’s goals and how individual family members can find ways to work together.
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